DC Rebirth: Wonder Woman hit the stands today. And, as a fan of the Amazing Amazon, it didn’t come a moment too soon! This was the first time since August 2011 when Diana – the Diana we know – graced the book once again. Little did we (I) realize…she had been there all along.
The following is a review and commentary of DC Rebirth: Wonder Woman. I encourage you to visit your local comic shop or purchase the comic online at DCComics.com if you would like to avoid any hints, revelations, etc.
Fair warning…SPOILERS ahead.
Wonder Woman REBIRTH We Will Have the Truth
The story’s narrator is Diana. “Something’s happening..in my memory…they story keeps changing.”
From the opening line, I knew..I just knew…THIS WAS DIANA speaking. Not this Diana of the last five years. No, not the Diana who I read simply because the book was labeled Wonder Woman. Not the Diana who barely resembled, character-wise, the Wonder Woman of decades past.
(Could it be argued that my reading the book the same as before equals acceptance of the story? Sure, fair argument. Enjoyment; however, cannot be argued because I didn’t enjoy that version of Wonder Woman. I would also note that no disrespect is intended against the writers of WW over the past five years – just wasn’t Diana.)
Page one shows Hippolyta, with black hair, praying to the gods to bring life to the child of clay. Page one shows Hippolyta, this time with golden hair, embracing the man who we know was revealed to be the birth father, Zeus himself.

One page..two origins…and Diana is remembering BOTH.
The next few pages show Diana in various situations (still sporting her New 52 uniform). I noticed, upon second look, that the lasso of truth features prominently in several scenes.
Truth and Lies
We see Diana recall her childhood: “They loved her, and taught her all they knew, sharing their knowledge and wisdom.”
We also see another recollection of her childhood: “She knew she was different and was made ashamed, and she did not believe her home as paradise.”
Notice the dark tone? I didn’t realize how dark and depressing Wonder Woman had become in the New 52 – until reading this comparison.
We see a recollection of Diana winning the Contest. “It was the Princess who would be Themyscira’s champion, who would leave her home believing she would never…could never..return.”
Diana questions much during this story as she focuses on the story’s central themes: Truth and Lies.
In a spark of writing genius, Rucka chooses to have Wonder Woman use the lasso on herself! Wrapping the golden rope around her arm, Diana proceeds to ask various questions until finally asking WHAT AM I?
The lasso compels the truth. Diana speaks aloud various roles and says: “The true friend and the boon companion, the trusted soul and the truth-seeker…..and you have been deceived.”

The scene..the look in her eyes….sent chills. Looking at it again, as I write this article, I felt a chill again.
…and you have been deceived.
Diana ponders the past and present. “The moment when who I was and who I am became so terribly divided. The moment when I lost myself. The moment when I forgot who I was.”
Just as the death of Pandora was symbolic to the end of the New 52, this page is symbolic, too. We see Diana remove the silver tiara, remove the silver arm band, and – like magic – be restored to her traditional colors of golden, red, and blue. (I note that the costume is not exactly the traditional since it mimics the movie version; however, the color scheme is back.)
The story ends with Diana making one final declaration: “Change the story as much as you like…whoever you are, you will not succeed. I WILL HAVE THE TRUTH.”
And, thanks to REBIRTH, so shall we!
Final Thoughts
Definitely worth FIVE CUPS of DISCUSSION COFFEE! I loved everything about this story. As I said before, this was the first time I had read a Wonder Woman story since 2011! DC did an amazing job by assigning writing duties to Greg Rucka, a writer of the book prior to the New 52.
The only wish I have – I hope they change the logo back to the pre-New 52 version. This one, like the Diana of the last five years, doesn’t “speak” to me.
Wonder Woman will return in two weeks with a new #1 and will ship every two weeks. The storyline will alternate between a Year One (origin) story and the present day.
Writing duties went to returning Wonder Woman writer, Greg Rucka. Artwork (pencils, ink, etc.) included work by Matthew Clark, Sean Pearsons, Liam Sharp, Jeremy Colwell, Laurel Martin, and Jodi Wynne. Cover by Liam Sharpe and Laura Martin or Stanley “Artgerm” Lau on variant. Of course, Wonder Woman was created by William Oulton Marston.
DC Comics, Wonder Woman, and all characters associated are the property of DC Comics/DC Entertainment.
This review was written by Kyle Jones.