Goodbye, 2016. Hello, 2017! We welcome host of the Reality Breached Podcast, Sergio Lugo, II as a guest co-host for the final episode of Discussing Who’s inaugural year. And, in doing so, we bring the year to a close as we discuss the Ten Most Anticipated Movies of 2017.
The current year has not been kind. We’ve had our Dawn of Boredom, fought with (or against) Captain America during Civil War, met A Doctor who was most Strange, and much more. Some were good. Some bad.
Sergio recently wrote:
The disaster that was 2016 is nearly in the books, which means it’s time to look forward to what’s to come in 2017. There’s plenty of excitement to go around, so let’s run down 10 reasons to go to the theater in the new year.

What were the 10 reasons? Find out by clicking here.
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Thanks, Sergio, for contributing to Episode 29 (our Christmas Special) and for coming back as a guest on Episode 30. And, as we say goodbye to 2016, we say thank you to EVERYONE who has listened, commented, provided feedback, and more during the year.
Keep in touch in 2017 because, as the saying goes: We want to hear from YOU!