“Oh, so you’re a Doctor Who podcast?” The truthful answer: Yes, we are a Doctor Who podcast. But, from the very beginning, our goal has been to create more than just content focused around Doctor Who. Might one consider Doctor Who as our primary focus? Perhaps. But, just like most, our goals reach into other realms of entertainment – mainly comic books and science fiction. Maybe our current incarnation has worn a bit thin? Yes! We have regenerated!
The Discussing Who Podcast Brand
While not used much recently, the Discussing Who podcast originally carried the tagline: Who (or what) will be discuss next? We hoped this question would represent our three common areas of interest: Doctor Who, Comic Books, and Sci-Fi.
Unfortunately, that fell short somewhere along the line when I (perhaps subconsciously) branded our social media, website, etc. similar to Doctor Who. Main color? Blue. Need i say more?
What is a brand?
Wikipedia defines as follows:
A brand (or marque for car model) is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the eyes of the customer. Brands are used in business, marketing, and advertising.
“So, you’re a Doctor Who podcast?”
Take a look at the image below. Doctor Who? I think so.

The Next Phase
What could we do to maintain the existing name but create distinction between our content?
How could we present ourselves more than just Doctor Who? Yet, at the same time, remain loyal to who we are?
Our choice – something simple.
Simply refresh the look….update the colors. And, most importantly, create distinction between Doctor Who related shows and Comic Book or Sci-Fi shows.
Over the past few days we made a few changes.
Doctor Who episodes will showcase cover art similar to this example (and with the updated Discussing Who logo):
Comic Book episodes will have a comic book cover “look” to them.
Sci-Fi (or other shows) will have the traditional Discussing Who logo.
Send your feedback via email to discussingwho@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail message on the Discussing Who Call Line. Simply dial (805)850-DWHO (3946). (Airtime and/or long distance rates apply, if applicable.) Already following us on Facebook? Simply send a message on there.
Like the show? Want to contribute? Send us your feedback! Let us know your favorite comic books and we will mention them on a future episode. We want to hear from you!