Episode 18: Ranking Our Top 5 Doctor Who Villains

Who would the Doctor be without Davros, the Daleks, the Weeping Angels, the Master, and the many other adversaries who have crossed paths with our favourite Time Lord? Who are your favourite Doctor Who monsters and villains? Are they in our Top 5? Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford.

Episode 17: Ranking Our Top 5 Doctor Who Companions

Rose Tyler? Ace? Nyssa? K-9? Romana? Do you have a favourite companion? Using names from our own list and from listener responses, we discuss, debate, and decide our Top 5 Doctor Who Companions. Will your favourite make the list? Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford.

Episode 16: Lee Shackleford, From Sherlock to Herlock

Sherlock Holmes takes center stage for episode 16 of Discussing Who. We discuss the character's beginnings all the way to the current BBC programme. And, who better to discuss in a one-on-one interview than with our very own Lee Shackleford, author of the off-Broadway play, Holmes & Watson? All this plus YOUR feedback. Oh...and Martha The Cat, too! Hosted by Kyle Jones.

Episode 15: Review of Stranger Things, Season 1

In this episode we discuss the Netflix original series, Stranger Things, and give our review of the shows' first season. Plus, we talk about an upcoming Doctor Who event and more in Episode 15 of Discussing Who. Hosted by Clarence Brown and Kyle Jones.

Episode 14: Review of DC Comics’ Suicide Squad

Amanda Waller. Deadshot. Harley Quinn. The Enchantress. Rick Flag, Jr. All collide within our review of the Suicide Squad. Join us as our discussion takes us from the very beginning of the Squad up to the 2016 movie. Hosted by Kyle Jones and Clarence Brown.

Episode 13: Justice League, Wonder Woman, and Star Trek Beyond

In this episode,we discuss the trailers for Justice League and Wonder Woman, giving our expectations for and thoughts on both. We review the latest Star Trek movie and give our thoughts on the latest news of the upcoming series. All this and more in Episode 13 of Discussing Who. This episode hosted by Clarence Brown, Lee Shackleford, and Kyle Jones.

Episode 12: Discussing Marvel’s Civil War II Number 3

One of the original heroes of Marvel Comics met his demise in the pages of Civil War II #3. Kyle Jones and Clarence Brown discuss the latest Star Trek and Doctor Who news and review this INCREDIBLE death. All this and more in the FIRST LIVE episode of Discussing Who.

Episode 11: Celebrating Seven Years of the Cultdom Collective

In episode 11 we celebrate the Seventh Anniversary of the Cultdom Collective as we discuss how it all began with podcast creators, Ian Bisset and Dave Cooper. We pull back the curtains of Episode Zero, have a Fringe-worthy discussion, and more. Hosted by Kyle Jones.

Episode 10: Changing a Character’s Race, Sex, Age, Or Sexual Orientation

Can changes to a character's race, sex, age, and/or sexual orientation dramatically alter a character? What impact could those changes cause to the character's reception by fans, media, or the general population? We discuss these questions - and more - in Episode 10 of Discussing Who. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford. In addition, we welcome special guest host Dave "AC' Cooper from the Cultdom Collective and Doctor Who Podshock.