Episode 08: What is DC REBIRTH and what does it mean for Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman?

DC Comics, under the writing guidance of Geoff Johns, cracked open the door to allow a glimpse of the next chapter in DC’s long history on May 25, 2016. Join hosts Kyle Jones and Clarence Brown as we ask and attempt to answer our questions about what DC REBIRTH is all

Episode 06: Free Comic Book Day with Bombshell Comics and Stuff

We discuss Free Comic Book Day and talk with Justin Adcock, owner of Bombshell Comics and Stuff about the event, thoughts on Captain America: Civil War, and much more. Hosted by Kyle Jones and Clarence Brown.

Review of Hell Bent and Heaven Sent, Doctor Who 2015 Finale

We discuss the finale of the 2015 series of Doctor Who. How did we rate the exit of Clara Oswald? Listen and find out! It's the latest on Series Nine! Hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.

Episode 03: Discussing Upcoming Superhero Movies

In episode 003 of Discussing Who we discuss recent hero movies including Deadpool and Batman V. Superman. We also speculate about Captain America: Civil War and X-Men Apocalypse. Hosted by Clarence Brown and Kyle Jones.