Twas the night before Christmas and all through the ship, Narration grew silent – not even a blip. The crew of the Nine all snug in their beds, because Olivia visited the past with narration to be read! Narrator the First disappeared in a burst when out of the blue came Narrator 2! Join us now without putting on pause as we’ve arrived hours before Santa Clause! Be of good cheer with gifts we do give, mainly because ELDRAD MUST LIVE! Join us as we review the classic Fourth Doctor story The Hand of Fear. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 264. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown and Lee Shackleford. Special holiday narration provided by Shannon Perry, Richard Nadolny, and Kyle Jones of Oz-9.

Episode 264
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the ship, Narration grew silent – not even a blip. The crew of the Nine all snug in their beds, because Olivia visited the past with narration to be read! Narrator the First disappeared in a burst when out of the blue came Narrator 2! Join us now without putting on pause as we’ve arrived hours before Santa Clause! Be of good cheer with gifts we do give, mainly because ELDRAD MUST LIVE! Join us as we review the classic Fourth Doctor story The Hand of Fear. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 264. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown and Lee Shackleford. Special holiday narration provided by Shannon Perry, Richard Nadolny, and Kyle Jones of Oz-9.
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Real Characters
Last year we asked ourselves and our listeners a simple but important question: What makes Doctor Who important to you? The answer now lies within the pages of Real Characters: The Psychology of Parasocial Relationships with Media Characters, by Dr. Karen Shackleford, PhD (Ed.) from Fielding University Press providing insight into why we connect with fictional characters. The Doctor Changes, but the Feelings Stay the Same, is the bow-tie worthy Eleventh Chapter. Real Characters is available now on Amazon.
Discussing Who: A Doctor Who Podcast
Discussing Who features three friends discussing Doctor Who. Come join the fun!
Discussing Network
Discussing Network is a network of podcasts covering all things geek and pop culture!
Want more from the Discussing Who co-hosts? Our hosts can be found on the following:
The Relativity Podcast (Lee, Clarence, & Kyle)
Oz-9 (Lee, Kyle, & Shannon)
Doctor Who: Podshock (Kyle & Lee)
The TechPedition Podcast (Clarence)
Discussing Trek: A Star Trek Discovery Podcast (Clarence & Kyle)
Terminus: A Doctor Who Podcast (Nicole)