Discussing Who Episode 191

Episode 191: Review of The Caves of Androzani

The Doctor and Peri travel to the twin planets of Androzani Major and Androzani Minor.   We continue our Classic Who reviews we review The Caves of Androzani, the last regular appearance of the Fifth Doctor.  We check-in with Meepy, are Never Isolated thanks to Dave Cooper, and more! What are your favorite go-to Doctor Who episodes to pass the time?  What does Doctor Who mean to you? Plus, why does Kyle keep saying assassin’d?  Let us know by email at discussingwho@gmail.com, or leave us a voice mail at 805-850-3946. Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, and Kyle Jones. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 191.

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Discussing Who Episode 189

Episode 189: Review of the Edge of Destruction

The Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Susan find themselves trapped inside the TARDIS. Has something sinister occurred or is it something else entirely?  Find out as we review The Edge of Destruction.  Plus, let us know how you’re coping during this period of self isolation. What are your favorite go-to Doctor Who episodes to pass the time?  What does Doctor Who mean to you? Let us know by email at discussingwho@gmail.com, or leave us a voice mail at 805-850-3946. Hosted by Clarence Brown, Lee Shackleford, and Kyle Jones. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 189.

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Review of Ascension of the Cybermen

Episode 186: Review of Ascension of the Cybermen, Doctor Who Series 12 Episode 9

In the last episode, The Doctor did not heed the warning and must now face the consequences. Who is this the person featured in this episode’s subplot and is he connected to the Doctor? Kyle poses the question that prompts Lee and Clarence to ask, do you really want to go there? Plus, Nicole Mazza shares feedback on the Haunting of Villa Diodati. What did she think? What was Kyle’s question? Find out as we review The Ascension of the Cybermen, the ninth episode of the twelfth series of Doctor Who.  Hosted by Lee Shackleford, Kyle Jones, and Clarence Brown. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 186.

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Discussing Who Episode 185

Episode 185: Review of The Haunting of Villa Diodati, Doctor Who Series 12 Episode 8

Don’t give him what he wants! That was the warning! What happens when The Doctor finds herself presented with a similar situation again? The team structure isn’t a democracy and the fate of Lord Byron, Mary Shelley, and the future of humanity is at stake! Plus, what do we anticipate for the two-part finale? Find out as we review The Haunting of Villa Diodati, the eight episode of the twelfth series of Doctor Who.  Hosted by Kyle Jones, and Clarence Brown. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 185.

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Discussing Who Episode 182

Episode 182: Review of Fugitive of the Judoon, Doctor Who Series 12 Episode 5

Ruth Clayton finds herself face-to-face with the Judoon. Can The Doctor and Team TARDIS save her? We witness the return of a fan favorite before discovering one of the biggest mysteries in all of space and time. It’s a revelation that will melt your mind! What did we think? Find out as we review Fugitive of the Judoon, the fifth episode of the twelfth series of Doctor Who. Plus, feedback from Twitter and reviews from Apple Podcasts! Hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown. We’re in a platoon located in a lagoon somewhere on the moon!!

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Discussing Who Review of Spyfall, Part II

Episode 179: Review of Spyfall Part II, Doctor Who Series 12 Episode 2

The Doctor finds herself marooned in the past without her TARDIS as she comes face-to-face with her recently returned Best Enemy. What is the mysterious secret of the Timeless Child? What will the Doctor find when she returns to Gallifrey? Find out as we review Spyfall, Part II, the second episode of the twelfth series of Doctor Who. Plus, feedback from Apple Podcasts and Blue Box Bill along with Lee’s recent interview on the Reality Breached podcast! Hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown. 

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Review of Doctor Who Spyfall Part I

Episode 178: Review of Spyfall, Part I, Doctor Who Series 12 Episode 1

The Thirteenth Doctor returned with Spyfall, Part I on January 01, 2020. MI6 has a case that only The Doctor can solve. Will she and Team TARDIS be able to stop what’s happening before it is too late?  More importantly, how many times did we say Skyfall instead of Spyfall? We’re back together again from the holidays and ready to start the new series of Doctor Who! Hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.  This episode brought to you by the letter O.  

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Discussing Who Episode 177

Episode 177: Happy New Year from Discussing Who

We invite you on a trip down memory lane as we bring 2019 to a close and prepare for the 12th Series of Doctor Who on New Year’s Day 2020.  Let’s look back on some of the wacky, profound, sad, and absolutely fantastic moments. Having fun and enjoying the fifty plus years of adventures in space and time that is Doctor Who serves as a primary goal of this podcast. Cheers and thank you to all of our listeners. We appreciate you more than you know. Curated by Kyle Jones.  Featuring Lee Shackleford, Clarence Brown, Nicole Mazza, and Jessica from SesskaSays.

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Why Should I Watch Doctor Who?

Episode 176: Why Should I Watch Doctor Who?

Why should I watch Doctor Who? This question may be one of Doctor Who fans’ favorite questions, presenting the opportunity to answer questions about all of time, space, and our favourite Time Lord. What is a TARDIS? Who is The Doctor? Why are there so many? Which episode should I watch first? Who is your favorite? Join us as soon-to-be Whovian, Ryan Kent, asks the questions he wants to know and find out why he should watch Doctor Who! The Discussing Network presents Discussing Who Episode 176. Hosted by Kyle Jones.

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Discussing Who Episode 175

Episode 175: Our Top 5 Favorite Doctor Who Episodes from the RTD Era

From Rose to The End of Time Part II, we pick our favorite Doctor Who stories from the Russell T Davies Era. Which stories did we like the most? What did or did not make the list?  Join us as we count down our favorites, share fan feedback and discuss the latest guest announcement from Con Kasterborous 2020! Thank you to members of our Discussing Network Facebook group who participated in the Top 5 poll. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 175. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford.

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