Episode 305: Comparing Different Incarnations of The Doctor

How different are the various incarnations of The Doctor? Are some more alike than others? Which incarnations do we think are more alike or most different? Join us as we discuss this fan requested episode. This episode was recorded live and is presented in the original live recording format. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 305. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford.

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Episode 303: Review of The Giggle

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!  What is this game we are a-playing? Who is Stooky Sue and why do the Stooky Babbies weep? Better yet, what made Kyle cry on our live stream?!?!?! We continue our celebration of Doctor Who as we discuss the second of three 60th Anniversary specials.  Join us as we review The Giggle and welcome Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor! This episode was recorded live and is presented in the original live recording format. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 303. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford.

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Episode 302: Review of Wild Blue Yonder

After a coffee mishap inside the newly regenerated TARDIS, The Doctor and Donna travel further than ever before. Stuck aboard a massive spaceship, can our duo appreciate the mavity of the situation? We continue our celebration of Doctor Who as we discuss the second of three 60th Anniversary specials. Join us as we review Wild Blue Yonder. This episode was recorded live and is presented in the original live recording format. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 302. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford.

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Episode 298: Childhood Memories of Doctor Who

Do you remember your first encounter with Doctor Who? Chances are, if you’re listening to a Doctor Who podcast, you DO remember. Like many who grew up in the US during the 1970s, Discussing Trek’s Larry Irby discovered Doctor Who via the local PBS station. Join us as we discuss Childhood Memories of Doctor Who, the latest Doctor Who news, and much more.  What was your first Doctor Who memory? Let us know what you think by following us on social media by searching for @discussingwho. This episode is Part I of II. Larry will return in our next episode with a Companion Spotlight on Sarah Jane Smith. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 298. Hosted by Kyle Jones with guest Larry Irby.

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Discussing Who Review of the Power of the Doctor

Episode 287: Review of The Power of the Doctor

This is it! The Thirteenth Doctor’s last battle arrives as companions old and new converge to help the Doctor stop the Master’s Dalek Plan.  Or, what that the CyberMaster’s plan? The story is so fast paced that we’re quite sure it left the Doctor a bit dizzy! The story pays tribute to Doctor Who past, present, and future – and gives us an ending that leaves us asking not WHO but WHAT?!? Join us as we review The Power of the Doctor. Let us know what you think! Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DiscussingWho. Send feedback and we will feature your responses in a future episode. The Discussing Network presents Discussing Who Episode 287.  Hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.

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Welcome Fourteenth Doctor Ncuti Gatwa

Welcome Fourteenth Doctor Ncuti Gatwa!

The moment has been prepared for. It is change and not a moment too soon!  Or, as the Doctor’s daughter herself said, “Hello Dad!”  Join us as we welcome our new Fourteenth Doctor Ncuti Gatwa to Doctor Who! There’s excitement in the air! Let the speculation for what will come next begin! The Discussing Network proudly presents a special episode of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.

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