Episode 324: Doctor Who 2024 Series (Disney+ Season One)

The 2024 Series of Doctor Who has come and gone. What were the highs? What did we like most? What are we looking forward to in the next series? Join us as we look back on Ncuti Gatwa’s first complete series. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 324. This episode is streamed live on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch and presented in the original unedited version, hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.

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Episode 319: Review of 73 Yards, Doctor Who 2024 Series Episode 4

The Doctor mysteriously disappears soon after he and Ruby arrive in Wales. On her own, will Ruby discover the meaning of the mysterious woman always standing 73 yards away? More importantly, can she pay using her phone? Join us as we review 73 Yards. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 318. This episode is streamed live on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch and presented in the original unedited version, hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.

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Episode 318: Review of Boom, Doctor Who 2024 Series Episode 3

Steven Moffat returns to write Doctor Who for the first time since Twice Upon a Time in 2017! The Doctor and Ruby arrive on a war-torn alien planet where the Doctor finds himself in a situation unlike any seen before. How will he escape? Who is Ruby Sunday’s next of kin? Join us as we review BOOM! The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 318. This episode streamed live on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch, is being presented in its original unedited version and hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.

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Episode 317: Review of Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord, Doctor Who 2024 Series Episodes 1 and 2

The 2024 series arrived on on the 10th and 11th of May 2024 with a first-ever two episode premiere.  We welcome Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor in his first full series. But why is the Doctor Who fandom so divided? Join us as we review Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 317. This episode streamed live on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch and is being presented in the original unedited version. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.

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Episode 304: Review of The Church on Ruby Road

RTD returns Doctor Who to Christmas Day with a festive episode filled with surprises, mysteries, familiar tropes, hungry goblins, and holiday delight. The Doctor meets Ruby Sunday, saves Davina McCall, and begins an all new adventure! Join us as we review The Church on Ruby Road and officially welcome Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor! This episode was recorded live and is presented in the original live recording format. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 304. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford.

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Episode 303: Review of The Giggle

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!  What is this game we are a-playing? Who is Stooky Sue and why do the Stooky Babbies weep? Better yet, what made Kyle cry on our live stream?!?!?! We continue our celebration of Doctor Who as we discuss the second of three 60th Anniversary specials.  Join us as we review The Giggle and welcome Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor! This episode was recorded live and is presented in the original live recording format. The Discussing Network proudly presents Discussing Who Episode 303. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford.

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Welcome Fourteenth Doctor Ncuti Gatwa

Welcome Fourteenth Doctor Ncuti Gatwa!

The moment has been prepared for. It is change and not a moment too soon!  Or, as the Doctor’s daughter herself said, “Hello Dad!”  Join us as we welcome our new Fourteenth Doctor Ncuti Gatwa to Doctor Who! There’s excitement in the air! Let the speculation for what will come next begin! The Discussing Network proudly presents a special episode of Discussing Who.  Hosted by Kyle Jones, Lee Shackleford, and Clarence Brown.

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